Marinetti Takes a Break


oil on linen

Taking inspiration from Filippo Tommaso Marinetti's futurist manifesto and at the same time mocking the same, Marinetti Takes a Break follows Marinetti's story from the moment he stepped into his wild beast and began his reckless journey towards the future. With Marinetti as the central figure, the series follows him in his hasty quest and mocks him in a comical manner, urging him to slow down and take a break. With the world moving at an ever-accelerating pace, it is inevitable to face consequences of such speed and acceleration. For Marinetti it is the consequence of his reckless driving that leads him into a ditch when distracted by the slow and traditional pace of two cyclists.


Coffee Break, oil on linen, 35 x 27 cm, 2021

Reading on a Train, oil on linen, 35 x 27 cm, 2021

Oh Maternal Ditch, Half Full of Muddy Water! (Underwater), oil on linen, 35 x 27 cm, 2021

Stop and Smell the Motor Oil, oil on linen, 35 x 27 cm, 2021

Check Twice Before Changing Lanes, diptych, oil on linen, 55 x 46 cm, 2021

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